TJ Morris ACIR Psychic Medium - Media Communications Specialist TJ MORRIS ACIR - Author, Publisher Please add your comments, and email me your stories for publication on our websites. We have a wonderful network of supporters. If you would like to have us support your websites and interests, please feel free to email us. We reciprocate links if they pertain to our own friends. We share information because it is time to network what we know and have experienced as our truth! With the rising cost of living and the rising cost of fuel, many of us prefer not to travel on earth! At least in the ways that are accepted such as autos, RVs , trucks, plains, and trains. Now, thanks to the Internet Highways of the computer technology age we don't even have to leave our homes to shop anymore! I only now leave my home to receive or give knowledge at colleges or seminars and expositions. I occasionally purchase groceries but other than that, my life consists of an occasional grocery shopping,...