TJ Morris
Psychic Medium - Media Communications Specialist

TJ MORRIS ACIR - Author, Publisher

Please add your comments, and email me your stories for publication on our websites. We have a wonderful network of supporters. If you would like to have us support your websites and interests, please feel free to email us. We reciprocate links if they pertain to our own friends.

We share information because it is time to network what we know and have experienced as our truth!

With the rising cost of living and the rising cost of fuel, many of us prefer not to travel on earth!
At least in the ways that are accepted such as autos, RVs, trucks, plains, and trains. Now, thanks to the Internet Highways of the computer technology age we don't even have to leave our homes to shop anymore! I only now leave my home to receive or give knowledge at colleges or seminars and expositions. I occasionally purchase groceries but other than that, my life consists of an occasional grocery shopping, to the library or bookstore, occasional seminar, festival, event and the rest of my time is spent writing articles and books.

I have a life of living in the fast lane as a mover-shaker. I spent the years from 1966 until 2006 working on a regular basis at a regular job indoors at a desk or in field investigations. I will never consider not working I just do it in a different way. I write articles, and stories for publishers.

My hobbies and interests are people. places, things. I am an advocate of art, culture, education, and folk life. I am interested in American Culture International Relations of ancients artifacts, paranormal, and supernatural. In many ways I am considered a scribe, a historian, and sometimes an intuitive reader. I was tested on DISC a personality test at college which shows I am a 5-8-4-6 meaning basically I am a promoter!

Email: or

Welcome Friends:

This is a blog that I created for people who would like to network and share their stories. I have seven (7) websites that are all related to the paranormal, supernatural, and media.

As of the year 2007, after many years of living my life as an Investigative Reporter, General Investigator, Legal Investigator, Private Investigator, government employee, President/CEO,
now I own a woman owned small business. I am a writer, promoter.

I have been made a public figure simply from one letter that I emailed to Dirk Vander Ploeg of UFO Digest. My life changed at that moment in 2007. Previously, I had spoken on March 22, 2006 with Stanton T. Friedman, Nuclear Scientist MSC. We had several long conversations on the telephone. Stan sen me his two books, Top Secret/Majic and the Corona Crash. I also purchased the new book Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience in 2007 and emailed Kathleen Marden and we communicated back and forth a few times. The 60th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident was held in Roswell, New Mexico which is the largest town neat where the alien spacecraft landed and one crashed. The stories I tell on my websites and on UFO Digest. I can add these detailed stories later.

Prior to that, I had visited Roswell, New Mexico and met Glenn Dennis and Sally Hester at the Roswell International UFO Museum and Research Center. (IUFOMRC). Two very nice people. Sally and I immediately became friends and she has been like a mother to me ever since. Sally lives in Roswell and has since retired from her volunteer position at the museum. Sally Hester shared her story with me about all the people she had met and their interesting stories. I told her she should write a book. I became interested in assisting her and we communicated about our mutual interests in the alien and UFO interests.

I was always different and felt guided all my life by a higher power. I studied all that I could regarding spirit, soul, self-help books, religions, anthropology, folk studies, and general basics of people, places, and things. I even looked into quantum physics and the theory of everything. My interests were still not satisfied. Life was more than we were told and I realized that I just had to search and keep searching for all the pieces of the puzzle. I went back to college. I am still studying and searching how to communicate what I am inspired to share. I learn about others on earth and am truly interested in other people and their stories of the paranormal, supernatural, spirits, ghosts, but most of all aliens, and UFOs. Thus the many websites I created and now blogs. 2008 will be a great year for networking. I hope to build a computer network of friends who desire to communicate with each other.

Here we can publish the stories we want the world to find and still everyone can email me personally those that they do not desire to share. I must admit that my ego is flattered that so many people have personally written me.Thank you all! You know who you are. Also, I want to thank personally all those who are public in the UFO community, Dirk Vander Ploeg, George Filer, and Stanton Friedman who have all supported me in my efforts!

Theresa J. Thurmond Morris, Alien Contactee,
Intuitive Reader, Investigative Reporter, Media Specialists, Psychic Medium

1. Talk about super natural spiritual places.

2. Talk about Faith - Hope - Charity - Love - Culture -

3. Talk about your beliefs.

4. Talk about languages, and ancient artifacts.

5. Lasers and technology of the future.

6. Ancient Astronauts, Beings, Ancient Civilizations.


8. UFO Files & locations

9. UFO Latest Sightings including the Black Triangles.

10. Alien Television Shows & websites

11. Ufologists and Investigations
13. Stanton Friedman on Television and at events.
Seek all knowledge that is obtainable to you on earth now while you still have time! TJ Morris.
Life is enjoyable and meeting people who will share their own observations and experiences is the icing on the cake!
If you think life is a bowl of cherries and you keep only getting the pits then why not join us!


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