It is my understanding that there are many people on planet earth, terra firma, Gaia, are wanting to share the information of extra terrestrial spacecraft and celestial beings.

I am familiar with many people, organizations, profit and non-profit groups that want to know the truth behind our celestial visitors from space.

My concern along with many beings on earth is whether the disclosure of the extra terrestrials to the representatives and those in the United Nations will mean anything in the future.

It is also my understanding that there are many people formerly of government positions, commercial contractors, and professional business personnel who have come together to form an organization called the Disclosure Project.

It is my understanding that the President of the United States of America has never been on the inside loop as far as knowing about those who can come and go from this planet having to do with extra terrestrials of a celestial nature.

There are those who come and go from other places above and beyond our planet. There are those who have worked for the U.S. government that are in the know of certain personnel who are allowed access.

The government contractors that are allowed to know of certain information are given levels of trust in the intelligence community of the United States government.

If there are personnel who are still on the inside loop of the government involved in black operations then they are required to sign a nondisclosure agreement in order to receive information having to do with national security. These at one time were in writing but we no longer keep the paper trail or the hard copy. Now, individual trust is kept on computer in computer files.

One such non-disclosure example might be:

We are those who work in the intelligence field as analyst, researchers, investigators, and in other public capacities in the intelligence field do not disclose that we are part of the inner circle or involved in black operations that deal with national security.

Those of us who work inside the United States government dealing with intelligence and secrecy agreements are asked to not to disclose who we are and to what parts of the United States government we are assigned too!

I am asked to not disclose any more than being a contractor. This can entail various types of contracts.

The one that I have been most interested in has to do with import and export and the U.S. Trade and Commerce. But, if I am going to continue my work as a third party contractor who prepares proper investigations that can be submitted to the Inspector General of the United States, I have a format that I have prepared to use that conforms to Judge Advocate General Investigations as a template format.

As a writer I am a free-lance contractor under the acronym ACIR. ACE, ACIR, in Kentucky, USA are my trademarks and service marks along with TM Morris tm. I presently work under my own name Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris as a syndicated columnist and freelance writer.

My personal interests is in the common causes and special interests in the future survival of our species and our planet now called earth.

Things change including our own remarkable selves.

I take my work very seriously based on my years of training and experience in business security intelligence. My reports are at least Confidential to my clients and I own the original copy always so that I can prove my copy in a court of law. I mail myself a copy before I courier to my clients.


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